The Essential Guide to On Page SEO

The Essential Guide to On Page SEO

On-page SEO is an essential part of any search engine optimization strategy. This includes optimizing elements such as focus keywords, SEO title, slug, meta description, outbound links, images, and internal links while also taking into consideration the length of these various components. Additionally, it is important to review previously used keyphrases to ensure that you are not repeating words and negatively impacting rankings. By following On-page SEO guidelines, your webpage will have a greater chance of appearing at the top of search engine rankings and enjoying more visibility, website traffic, and conversions.

The focus keyphrase should appear at the beginning of the SEO title for a higher ranking. The keyphrase should also be used in the introduction and meta description, including variations and synonyms to avoid keyword stuffing. On-page SEO also involves analyzing the length of the keyphrase, its density on the page, as well as its length in comparison to other elements such as the SEO title length and meta description length.

On-page SEO woman with a laptop

On-page SEO also includes making sure the slug reflects the focus keyphrase and that text length is sufficient for search engine algorithms to determine relevancy.

On-page SEO will enable you to gain more visibility and website traffic as well as boost conversions for your business.

Here are some key On-Page SEO optimization elements to use as a checklist when performing On-Page SEO Optimization.

On-Page SEO Optimization Elements

On-Page SEO Title Tags

The title tag should be relevant to the content of the page and contain keywords that you want your page to rank for. Headings help search engines understand the structure of a page’s content. The most important heading is the H1 tag and all other headings (H2-H6) should be used in order of importance.

Meta Descriptions

The meta description appears in search engine result pages (SERPs) below the title tag. It’s important not to exceed 156 characters as this is when Google will start truncating your text. Your meta description should explain what users can expect to find if they click on your result, and should contain keywords that are relevant to your page.

On-page SEO - Meta Description example

Image Alt Text

Search engines cannot see images, but they do read the text associated with it. Image alt text should describe what an image is about and contain keywords for better indexing.

URL Structure

URLs that are shorter and keyword-rich perform better in SERPs than long, cryptic URLs. Your URLs should also be relevant to the page and include words that accurately describe the content of the page.

Page Content

Your content should be easy to read and contain keywords that are relevant to your page. Make sure it’s original, informative, and helpful. By incorporating semantically rich terms related to your target keyword, you can make it easier for search engines to interpret the content of your page and rank it higher in SERPs. Additionally, writing in complete sentences instead of fragments can help search engine algorithms better understand the context of your page, improving its rankings. Making sure your content is easy to read for both humans and machines is key to achieving optimal SEO results.

Internal Links

Linking internally from one page on your site to another is a great way to help search engine crawling and improve your site’s ranking. Make sure you link relevant pages together and use descriptive anchor text.

On-page E-A-T Signals

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness and is one of the ways Google measures the value of your content. Having an About Us page and adding author bios to your content can help demonstrate your expertise and trustworthiness.

Questions that Answers ‘People Also Ask’ and FAQs

Do some research on the SERPs you’re targeting. The first place to look is the People Also Ask (PAA) box. Incorporating questions and answers in your content can help you provide a comprehensive answer to whatever query someone might have. Additionally, create an FAQ page that covers all the topics related to your website or business. Doing so will help search engines understand your content better, making it easier for them to rank it higher in SERPs.

Answer the questions in this box within your content, as these are indicators of what Google thinks is important. Additionally, look at FAQs on other sites targeting similar SERPs and incorporate them into your content. This helps search engine algorithms better understand the context of your page and can improve rankings.

On-page SEO - People Also Asked (PPA) example

On-Page SEO Structured Data

Structured data is a powerful way to help search engines understand the content of a page. It also helps them understand how different pieces of content on a page are related. Structured data provides search engines with rich snippets that can be displayed in SERPs, which will help you stand out from the competition.

On-Page SEO Valid Schema Markup

By using valid schema markup, you can make it easier for search engines to interpret the content of your page and rank it higher in SERPs. Using valid schema helps boost visibility and clickthrough rates as well. Additionally, Google also rewards sites that use valid schema markup by displaying rich snippets in the SERPs. These can include product images, price ranges, and star ratings.

Optimizing Meta Tags

Meta tags are snippets of text that appear in the head section of HTML documents and are not visible to the visitor. These tags are used to describe the contents of a page and provide search engines with additional information about the page.

On-page SEO - Meta tags example

When optimizing meta tags for SEO purposes, include keywords relevant to your page in the title and description tags. Additionally, make sure that your meta tags are short and concise, as search engines will limit the characters they show in SERPs. Finally, use unique meta tags for each page on your website, as this will help differentiate them in search engine results pages.


These are just some of the basics of On-Page SEO optimization that you should focus on to improve your website's ranking. As you can see, there are many different elements to consider. However, if you focus on the most important ones and optimize them properly, your website should start climbing in the search engine rankings.

SEO is a complex task and requires constant effort to achieve good results. You should monitor your website's performance regularly and make adjustments to keep up with changes in search engine algorithms. Additionally, keeping an eye on competitors' websites can help you stay one step ahead of the game. Following the above on-page SEO optimization tips will help you make sure that your website is up-to-date and optimized for better visibility in search engine results pages. Good luck! If this all feels a bit daunting, and we understand that it can, feel free to Book A Call and discuss how we can implement On-Page SEO on your existing or new website and get your site higher in the search engine results.

About the author:

Nick France has been designing everything from ads to websites for over thirty-five years and it’s obviously engrained in his DNA at this point. When he’s not designing or writing he’s usually found loving on his family or strapped to a guitar, singing his heart out.