TECOedge HR Website

TECOedge HR Website

The TECOedge, HR website is a site I had the pleasure designing as the lead designer and Supervisor of the Multimedia Design Group with TECO Energy. Organizing the TECOedge website into four distinct sections was achieved with color, differentiating each section and allowing the user to jump from section to section to learn company policies and more. A full toggle dropdown menu housed a range of links to access tools, resources and more. The site is built using ColdFusion and CSS3.

TECOedge Life PTB
Web design, TECOedge Career PTB

Having worked for TECO as a web designer and Supervisor of the Multimedia Design Group, a design team in Creative Services in Corporate Communications for nearly 19 years, a great bulk of my design work is present in TECO Energy, Tampa Electric and Peoples Gas. Having retired from TECO not so long ago the corporate sites contain my design work, of course I had a great deal of help from my team with production and coding. My last years were spent shortly after the acquisition of TECO from Emera, where I designed and produced web sites, HTML email, social media solutions, kiosks and multimedia presentations for Emera, TECO Energy and affiliate companies.


March 27, 2015


Web Design






ColdFusion, CSS, Photoshop


TECOedge HR Website

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