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MD Construction Pros Website

Transforming MD Construction Pros' Online Presence: Case Study


Client: MD Construction Pros

Industry: Construction (Stucco Repair and Installation)

Services Provided: Website Redesign, SEO Optimization, Lead Generation Enhancement


MD Construction Pros is a trusted name in stucco repair and installation, catering to homeowners and new construction projects. Despite their strong reputation, their outdated website limited their ability to attract new clients and showcase their expertise. They needed a modern, user-friendly website to enhance their online visibility and generate more leads.

The Challenge

  • Outdated Design: The existing website was visually unappealing and not reflective of the company's quality workmanship.
  • Poor SEO Performance: Lack of search engine optimization meant low visibility in search results, resulting in minimal organic traffic.
  • Ineffective Lead Generation: The website lacked compelling calls-to-action and easy ways for potential clients to request services or estimates.

Our Solution

Comprehensive Website Redesign

We undertook a complete overhaul of their website to create a modern and engaging online presence.

  • Modern Aesthetics: Developed a clean, professional design with high-quality images to showcase their projects.
  • Responsive Design: Ensured the website is mobile-friendly for optimal viewing on all devices.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: Simplified menu structures to help visitors find information quickly.

Content Overhaul

Recognizing that the existing website content was outdated and not effectively communicating the company's services, we performed a complete rewrite.

  • Engaging Copywriting: Crafted clear and compelling copy that highlights MD Construction Pros' expertise, services, and commitment to quality.
  • SEO-Friendly Content: Seamlessly integrated targeted keywords to enhance search engine rankings without compromising readability.
  • Consistent Brand Voice: Established a consistent tone and style throughout the website to strengthen brand identity and build trust with visitors.

SEO Optimization

To increase organic traffic, we implemented robust SEO strategies.

  • Keyword Research: Identified industry-specific keywords that potential clients use when searching for stucco services.
  • On-Page SEO: Optimized meta tags, headings, and content to improve search engine rankings.
  • Technical SEO: Improved site speed and implemented best practices to enhance crawlability and indexing by search engines.

Enhanced Lead Generation

We added features to convert website visitors into potential clients.

  • Free Estimate Page: Created a dedicated page with an easy-to-use form for visitors to request quotes.
  • Local SEO Landing Pages: Developed location-specific pages to target nearby communities and improve local search results.
  • Clear Calls-to-Action: Placed strategic CTAs throughout the site to encourage visitor engagement and inquiries.

The Results

Since the launch of the redesigned website, MD Construction Pros has seen significant improvements.

  • Increased Traffic: Organic traffic to the site has increased markedly due to improved SEO.
  • Higher Engagement: Visitors are spending more time on the site, indicating a better user experience.
  • More Leads: There has been a noticeable uptick in free estimate requests and direct inquiries.

Click the image to enlarge

Client Testimonial

"Partnering with Nick France Design transformed our online presence entirely. Our new website not only looks fantastic but also brings in more traffic and leads than ever before. The free estimate page and local landing pages have been especially effective. We're grateful for their expertise and highly recommend their services."

MD Construction Pros

At Nick France Design, we specialize in creating impactful digital solutions that drive business growth.

  • Tailored Solutions: We customize our services to meet your specific needs and objectives.
  • Expertise in Web Design: We create visually appealing and highly functional websites.
  • Proven SEO Strategies: We employ effective SEO tactics to boost your online visibility.
  • Results-Driven Approach: Our focus is on delivering tangible results that contribute to your bottom line.
  • Personalized Service: As a boutique design agency, I ensure a collaborative and personalized experience.

Let's Build Your Success Story

Are you ready to elevate your online presence and attract more clients? Nick France Design is here to make it happen.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help transform your website into a powerful tool for growth.

  • Website:
  • Phone: (727) 697-7767

At Nick France Design, your success is our success. Let's create something extraordinary together.


September 12, 2024


Web Design


MD Construction Pros


WordPress, CSS, Photoshop, Illustrator


MD Construction Pros Website

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